Other Interest

1. Editing Videos

In elementary school, I really enjoyed watching VFX / CGI videos on youtube, there's alot of people doing cool VFX back then, my favorite was "freddiew" (Freddie Wong) and Corridor Digital (Which is still big now.) also both of them collaborate once to make a GREAT web-series called "Video Game Highschool", and after watching all of that, I became interested on making VFX videos, I started small with editing videos using Windows Movie Maker to edit a simple video of me firing a gun, then I decided to learn Adobe After Effect to make a better quality VFX, after i got better at it, i asked my friends in elementary school to be a part of my small videos, it's really fun to see how they got really excited when watching the videos because they can feel like a superhero. Here's a photo of me with my friends in elementary school before we start shooting the videos.

When i got into junior-highschool, i stopped editing videos for a while, but my friends found out about my videos, so they encourage me to start editing videos again, so me and my friends make 2 videos called "Paper Power" which is a reference to my elementary school videos because the gun is made from paper.
The clip you've seen from above there, is the clip from my second videos in junior high, I actually lost the videos because i forgot to do a backup after I reset my PC, fortunately my friend saved the second video, but i still lost the first one :(

2. Game Development

Also when i'm in elementary school, I made a simple game in a graphing book, I just draw a stickman and 8 square in the bottom as the player health, so we do rock paper scissor to damage the other player's health. if they won, they got an exp to level up their character and some amount of coins that they can spend in the weapon shop / buy a pet to fight alongside the stickman, this game is BOOMING in my school, everyone is lining up to play the game. since everything is happening inside my math graphing book, I can't handle many players,
so alot of people in my school started to make different version of the game with their own drawing style.

And it really inspired me to learn game development, so i simply turned on my computer and searched google on how to make games, and i found about this software called RPG Maker VX, it has little to zero coding experience required, I spend weeks using it, this is where i realized game development require alot of time and hardwork. it's not the same as just drawing some stickman in a graphing book, I didn't manage to finish the game, but i loved the process.

3. Arduino

That's the photo of my little arduino test (with a silly robot pic on it), The way i found about arduino is because of a competition on my school called Project Exhibition, I wanted to participate there, The theme is about a project about tech, so I look up about arduino tutorials and I said to myself THAT'S SO COOL!, about a week after that,
I bought arduino and some motion sensors online and it's suprisingly cheap.

There's so much possibilities of things you can make in arduino, the project that I built was a Automatic Trash Bin the way it works just like when you're near the trash bin it open itself, simple as that, but i didn't register my project onto the competition because my code on the arduino has bug that the trash doesn't open which defeats the purpose of an automatic trash bin also "step activated trash can" exist that are cheaper than arduino (so why i even make this project lol) but i'm looking forward to get back into arduino again in the future.